Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stepping stone charger plates part 2

What a wonderful easy project this was! My 4 year old daughter did most of the hard work string and pouring :) It took me a few weekends of my life to complete. As easy as poring in pancake mix in a bowl. After using plaster of pairs and even adding glue for strength... it just was not hard enough to go out side. Well then I discovery quick setting cement.  It sets up in 10 minutes a dream compared to the 25 the plaster took. Faster stronger and CHEAPER! The total cost of a 150lb  was 6.00 and I was able to complete all of my plates for $12 plus the $10 for the mold. Grand total for 100 charger plates/ favors $22. Will my guests be mad I spent .22 cents on the favors?


  1. where did you get the mold from??
    love it!

  2. wow!! I love your idea!! Amazing amazing!! I wonder if I could Add purple color ??

  3. 150 lbs = $6 ? where did you get this prize?
